Quick Start

Signing Up for ClassroomIO

Signing up is currently disabled on production. Potential customers can only book a demo or try out our local setup.

Go to Sign up page

Got to app.classroomio.com (opens in a new tab). Click on the signup button on the top right to take you to the Sign up page.

Dashboard before signin

Create an account

Once you are on the signup page, enter your email and a password made up of 6 or more characters.

Dashboard signin page

Complete the onboarding

Upon completing the signup flow, you will be redirected to the onboarding page. Here you can enter your fullname and your organization details and next you would share how you heard of ClassroomIO

Dashboard onboarding page 1Dashboard onboarding page 2

Welcome to the dashboard

After you go through the onboarding, you are successfully signed up and you are ready to start using the platform.

Dashboard after signing in